Sold Selling Aion NA Siel Gunslinger 70

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by 100purified, 1/7/17.

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  1. 100purified

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    WTS Aion NA - Siel - Gunslinger 70

    +10 Archdaeva's Restructured Danuar Pistol(Water Dragon King's pistol skin)
    +5 White Star's Mercurial Pistol
    +11 Infinite Night Aethercannon
    White Star Lunatic Vice Hat
    +10 Archdaeva's Remodeled Danuar Jerkin
    +10 Archdaeva's Remodeled Danuar Breeches
    +10 Archdaeva's Remodeled Danuar Boots
    +10 Archdaeva's Remodeled Danuar Shoulderguards
    +10 Archdaeva's Remodeled Danuar Vambraces
    Clarion Magic Pendant
    Sauro Commander's Turquoise Earrings
    Brazen Aegis Turquoise Earrings
    Clarion Magic Ring
    Sauro Commander's Turquoise Ring
    Divine Cloth Belt of the Reian Fighter
    +8 Hyperion's Archdaeva Wings
    +9 Kaisinel's Plume: Magic Boost

    +12 Fierce Jerkin
    +11 Fierce Breeches
    +11 Fierce Vambrace
    +11 Fierce Boots
    +11 Emissary's Divine Magic Shoulderguards
    +13 Infinity Pistol
    +2 Custodian's Peacemaker
    Divine Dareet Ring of the Reian Fighter

    Over 2b Kinah.

    My Skype: purie100
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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