Selling [Selling Aimbot] #️⃣EliminationCheats - Apex Private...

Discussion in 'Apex Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Rare Account' started by EliminationCheats, 9/18/23.

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  1. EliminationCheats

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    - EliminationCheats: Apex Legends Private

    We are proud to introduce our EliminationCheats: Apex Legends Private

    Discord Username: eliminationvip

    Click The Logo above to join our discord

    - Supported Features:

    - Aimbot:

    . Aim When (always on, on shoot, in ads, on key)
    . Aim key
    . FOV
    . Switch delay
    . Semi auto delay
    . Hitbox
    . Speed
    . Acceleration
    . Deceleration
    . Max target time
    . Horizontal recoil control (the amount the aimbot controls the recoil vertically)
    . Vertical recoil control (the amount the aimbot controls the Recoil vertically
    . Aim assist (mouse based aimbot)
    . Aim assist fov

    - TriggerBot

    . Trigger when (hipfiring, in ads, on key)
    . Trigger key
    . Trigger delay (the delay in miliseconds where the aimbot wont shoot)

    - Psilent Aimbot

    . Auto Psilent(automatically shoots when the player is in your fov)
    . PSilent FOV
    . Miss chance
    . Aim normally if miss

    - Visuals:

    . Players
    . Box
    . Health Bar
    . Health text
    . Skeleton
    . Distance
    . Flags (shows if enemy is ADS or knocked)

    - World:

    . Show aimbot FOV
    . Show silent FOV
    . Show flick FOV
    . Show aimbot/silent line
    . Spectators

    - Glow:

    . Customizable type (visible, hidden, knocked)
    . Glow colour (can change for visible hidden and knocked)
    . Style (10 different glow modes to choose from)
    . Health and shield based glow
    . Bloom
    . Thickness
    . Draw model
    . Post process
    . Glow distance

    - View Model:

    . Weapon
    . Arms

    - Miscellaneous:

    . Item icon ESP
    . Seer healthbar ESP
    . Streamproof (disables all non-streamproof options such as glow, seer health bar, item icon)

    - Movement:

    . Auto Superglide
    . Superglide key (hold, toggle, no hold aka always on)
    . Auto Tapstrafe
    . Tapstrafe key (hold, toggle, no hold aka always on)
    . auto bhop (Coming soon)

    Cheat's overlay (menu, boxes and other esp that is not apart of the game) is streamproof on gamecapture.


    | SKRILL | - | BITCOIN | - | CASHAPP | - | PAYPAL (On Request) | CREDIT/DEBIT CARD |

    - PRICES :

    [ 7 DAYS = £35 ]

    [ 30 DAYS = £70 ]



    ( 20 Slots Available )


    Windows 10 & 11 All Versions!

    (Works on: AMD & INTEL)



    Currently looking for 1 media person to do video's and media shots, You must have previous work done and can provide the work you have done.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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