Sold Selling Aeonic Master Blue Mage + Master BLM

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Cuetzpalin, 6/15/17.

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  1. Cuetzpalin

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    I am original owner
    Zilart: Done
    CoP: Done
    RoV: Done
    Aht Urgan: Royal pup
    Altana: In the name of the father
    SoA: A secret from the past

    BLM: 2100 JPS
    BLU: 2100 JPs
    NIN: 300+ JPS
    WHM: 0 JPS

    Almost every single drop from Escha/Reisen - Tons of newest gear everywhere - A lot of unused abjs
    Ea set
    Omen +2 pieces
    Full Herc/Jov/Almaric/Merlinic/Jakhri +1

    TP/WS/MB/FC sets
    Jobs fully merited
    75/75 Merits

    6/6 Delve
    5/5 Vagary
    Dynamis all access
    Abby all access
    All anniversary Trusts and Items / Marbles ready to cash out ^^
    Vana'Clock, etc..

    Tons of Blu spells including MG.

    $650 Buyout.

    Don´t miss it!!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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