Selling Selling Accout Boom Beach Level 56 VP + 1344 Gold with two star very cheap !!!

Discussion in 'Boom Beach Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Games, 4/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    A rare opportunity has arisen to own a top class boom beach account. I was playing with a view to reach rank 1 in a few months, however work committments mean less and less time to play and the last thing I want is for those hard earned victory points to go to waste along with the whole account. It's a genuine sale and I hope the account goes in to good hands, much money and even more time has been put into it!

    Currently it is lvl 56 with over 1344 victory note [ Having the top one Completed Gold + two star ] points and 348+ power powder and lots of power stones which is key to climbing up in ranks. I have been saving power powder for months!

    All statues are amazing, most maxed out or close to max

    I have :
    Troop hp 33%
    Troop dmg [ 27% + 12% + 13% ]
    Gunboat energy 37%+17+17+17+17
    PSC 74%

    The base is in great shape:
    Max gunboat
    Max armory
    Max rocket launchers
    Max boom canons
    Max shock launchers
    Some other buildings like some canons, flamethrowers near are maxed, vault and sculptor are also maxed

    This account can rip up any base when boosted. I also have some incredible resource bases which nobody even dares touch anymore! Excellent in TF operations. This account is the member of a top 03 TF!

    Radar is 20 and the whole map is opened up

    In armory: warriors, mines, boom mines, shock bombs, barrage and artillery shells, medkits and smoke are all maxed out. Tanks and medics are close to max too

    the account is truly flawless with no weaknesses. Whoever has time to play will have all the means to reach #1 and stay there.

    Contact at :

    yahoo : wimax5giay

    Mail : [email protected]

    Price : 500$

    Cash with Paypal
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