Account info: Realm 405 Power : 180 Million; Citadel 42, University 41; build for combat, research maxed (for university level) ; T5 unlocked; All buildings available and maxed (monster farm etc. Mercenary Pit level 5) All Heroes unlocked Noctis 69, (stuck with medals) Prompto level 80, Lunafreya level 60, Ignis Level 47, Aranea Level 30. Mythic forge maxed, Set bonuses: Hunter set complete, Grimreaper set complete, Beastmaster almost complete (1 accessory missing); Heroes skilled on combat; Tons of ressources rg1 - rg4 Titles: Drill sergeant of the year 2017; unofficial title: Player with the most banished heroes on realm 405; almost every permanent bonuses unlocked. Plenty of items and speedups in Inventory. If anything else you want to know please ask me. I can share screenshots if required, but they are in German. I spent a lot of money in this account. I'm trying to get at least 1000 dollars (which is nothing compared to the effort I spent) If anyone interested or want some more info please let me know thanks.