Sold Selling Account with multiple stuff TRE/empire

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vjokz, 10/23/17.

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  1. vjokz

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    Hi, I am selling or trading this account
    Marauder lvl 70 242 + augs
    Sorcerer lvl 70 236 + augs
    Assasin lvl 70 224 + augs
    Sniper lvl 70 208 + augs
    Juggernaut lvl 70 208
    Powertech lvl 70 208
    And a lot of others charac lvl 65 (guardian/mercenary/operative etc..)
    There are a lot of stuff on every charac and some set like Revan/Vindicator but I didn't have all the piece (boots or other little piece)
    More 30 millions credits, toons of equipment on every charac, 70% pvp, 30% operation; 15k legacy succes, black white crystal, nexu unlock for the account etc..
    Legend on a lot of planet
    Mounts, lightsaber, full armor set and ohter things are on screen + 900 CC and HK-51 unlock

    Pm me if you want this acc, I don't ask a hight price :p
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