Hello, I'm trying to my account with characters those are ready for luke raid and can run Anton raid too. It was never suspended or banned. Played ever since open beta. As you see, this account has max honor and explorer level. https://imgur.com/3xklJwO It also has 110+ Neo Premium Plus which you don't have to pay anything but can easily maintain if you frequently run characters in dungeons. Plus, 700-1900 days of various contracts. https://imgur.com/RJLsHwf Lvl 85 has 100% fragments and lvl 90 has 80-90% except special equipments. https://imgur.com/g6KWwNc I'm going to introduce some main characters here. All of characters (except Freyja) those are going to be mentioned below have untradable rare clone avatar sets. Characters 1-4 experienced and have enough ability for 2-4 men Anton Sell Raid. 1. Overmind http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1506298767/j5ten5mxnnsjfffa6jnj.jpg DG Full, 5s Full, CIV 3/3 https://imgur.com/drd8zWS All sets of lvl 90 except black formal for upgrade. It also has full NG for luke barrier. Extra) 20/20 Anton Fragments for instant Savior weapon purchase. Lvl 30 Elemental Burn switching + Scream of Split Mana are available. 2. Chaos http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1506298815/ghst4lvuvstc6dcblrtz.jpg DG Full, 5s Full, 2/3 CIV https://imgur.com/jI8TKjP Extra) Lvl 20 Brainstorm switching is available. 3. F Nen http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1506297235/bo097yasfrkjwxriztyl.jpg Radiant Gold Full, 5s Full, 1/3 CIV Extra) Lvl 30 Khai switching is available. 4. Saints https://imgur.com/1RRcflL 3875 Spirit Lvl 46 DI + Lvl 19 Apo Jupiter Reset ring + Silver Watch https://imgur.com/LP7wYyg 3112 Vitality Lvl 45 DI + Lvl 18 Apo https://imgur.com/CnbQso3 4144 Int. withouth a necklace and a ring Jupiter 5. Other characters Freyja - 3/5 Metaline + Lvl 20 Overcharge switching + Rosetta + Att/Crit. Att dmg items Dark Lord - 6/9/9 chronicle sets Base Geniewiz - Savior Pole with lvl 8 refinement + 3k invis Base Majesty - Ancient rare avatar set + Byeollungum + 3k invis Base Astarte - 3k invis Willing to accept any payments. Serious offer only. Price is #.