Selling   Selling Account with 4 ID s on server 9, 47, 48 and 52

Discussion in 'Hero Wars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MaViS84, 8/26/21.

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  1. MaViS84

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    Good afternoon. I sell an Account, without mail, I will untie it from everything. There are several accounts on the Account:
    Recording on server 9: level 130 and VIP13, ~ 40 000 emeralds. Collected all the heroes, 31 heroes with the maximum star (Jet with 5 stars, I swing the maximum), resources in the stash: Totem element, heroes 'souls (1450 heroes' souls to choose from in chests), chests with pet souls (151 5 souls each), 17 000 particles of chaos, 81 banks with energy, 600+ chest keys, 900 orbs for summoning titans, 381 certificates from the tournament of the elements, a bunch of items of equipment including red and gold for heroes, etc. 87,000,000 gold. 8 pets with 4 stars (1300 pet eggs available), 8 purple rank and above. Fenris, Cain, Axel and Oliver - 130 lvl. Merlin, Albus and Mara - lvl 100 Sponge cake - 80 lvl. The power of the main pack is 600,000 (can be enhanced with resources), Titans are all absolute stars, 9 out of 12 titons of level 120, I'm pumping 10th, I think if all resources are used, everyone will be at the maximum. The power of the pack of titans I play is 533,000 (3 Super and 2 Earths). 5 pieces of totems (1 in inventory). Earth Totem = 2 stars level 109, fire totem 2 stars level 80 and water totem one star level 40. Collected All New Year skins of heroes. A bunch of frames and other things.
    On the 47th server, 118 lvl and 6 vip. Magic pack Orion Helios Dorian and Aurora. ~ 7900 emeralds. The strength of the main pack of heroes: ~ 325,000. Titans of water (3 Super + 2 water, Totem 1 star): 250,000.
    On the 48th server (opened this year): level 125 and Vip11 (The second strongest account, as well as on the main sea of everything). Orion Helios Aurora Dorian Celeste Jorgen - Maximum Star. 950 heroes' souls to choose from in the stash and part of the totem and other resources. 48,000 Emeralds, 131 energy bottles, etc. The power of heroes at the expense of resources can be decently strengthened. Power of the main pack: 366,000 (+ red equipment for events for growth), Titans of Water with power of 306,000, totem 2 stars (+ 1 Earth Totem). 65,000,000 gold. A bunch of frames and other things.
    On the 52nd server, 109 lvl and 7 vip. 32,000 emeralds + 30,000,000 gold. Physical pack based on Kira. Kira and Jorgen (6 stars) + The rest are 5 each Galahad, Nebula and Martha. The power of the pack of heroes: 306 000. Titans of water (Totem 2 stars): 229 000. As elsewhere, resources are in the stash. A bunch of frames and other things.
    Upon request, I will take screenshots and give other interesting information, but at some point I started playing on new servers, time and interest allowed, and no, all this cannot be divided.

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  2. Keyboard Paul

    Keyboard Paul
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    hi can I have the account for free please can't pay for it sorry
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  3. kim kew

    kim kew
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    Newhello i need a hero wars ecount can you give me one if you can give me free sent message to this gmail [email protected] thank you
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  4. Andre Fritz

    Andre Fritz
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    Was würdest du zu 330 € über PayPal sagen? Dein Paket ist mir eigentlich zu groß, aber vielleicht schaffe ich ja was ich kann zwei zum spielen!? Ich weiß, dass viel Geld und Zeit darin steckt! Meine Sprache ist Deutsch und dies wird von Google übersetzt, also mach mir keine Vorwürfe!
    MfG André
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  5. kim kew

    kim kew
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    please give me
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