Selling account which I played for 10 months!

Discussion in 'The Hobbit: Middle Earth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/1/14.

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    On Gandalf21. Results: Might: 70m at the moment (is changing quite a lot ) - but NO wall! -> you can increase your might arround 1m per day (no wall) - depense on which troops you chose Kill: over 200 m (Top 100) Alloverrank on the world: (Top 50) Currently in a Top 5 Alli Lev 81; 3 Cities; I am playing several hours a day since 10 months! Hero Lev 215 - one in each City. + plus training 1000 * 97 + plus training 10000 * 27 + plus training 50000 * 11 (Gandalf) -> I keep them for the 4th City 11 houses on lev 10 + plus 8 hobbits for additional lev 10 updates) All other houses are at lev 9 A lot of saved coordinates of dead cities (farms) Items: 8 Hobbits (for level 10 houses) over 5m might unused troop items 20 new identity 23 naming rights 46 teleporters (Radagast) 13 teleporters (Gandalf) hourglasses: - over 600 Bilbo - over 200 Gollum - over 200 Elrond - over 30 Galadriel - 13 Radagast, 7 Gandalf, 5 Saruman, 4 endless! - a lot of ressource-items! - rune 100 % attack: 3 * 2 hours rune 20 % attack: 61 * 7 days rune 20 % attack: 31 * 24 hours - rune 100 % defense: 33 * 2 hours rune 20 % defense: 20* 7 days rune 20 % defense: 32* 2 hours and some other items! As I spent a lot of money it is changing also quite a lot! (currently 400 mithril left ) All questions for details can be answered of course! THE REASON FOR SELLING: I want to start a different game as I have played that awesome game for nearly a year now (for several hours a day...). As I have put a lot of money and work into the account I dont want it to get lost and farmed. And of course I want to get money for the new game by selling the Hobbit account . I hope somebody who appriciates the game enjoys the work I have put in ! WHY SHOULD YOU BUY IT: You save a lot (a lot!) of time I put into that account. You also get an account in which I have put (additionally to the time) arroung 600 - 1000
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