Selling Selling account/stuff : chaos account (gx126 + rg106) -> or trade for novaro

Discussion in 'Ragnarok Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by daska, 4/3/17.

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  1. daska

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    If you are interested in my Account pls answer or PM me here or contact me via e-mail (adress:[email protected]

    The Account features 2 Classes which i used to play with:

    first theres a GUILLOTINE CROSS lvl 126/2X -> Free Reset still available!
    Jobchanged at Job-lvl 42 after transcending in case i would go "Dual Dagger Crit"-route
    Although i mainly leveled him with Rolling Cutter
    Stats look something like that (Not at home right now to look up the exact stats):
    STR: 90+; AGI: 80+; VIT: 50+; INT: 1; DEX: 80+; LUK: 20+

    Second there comes a ROYAL GUARD lvl 106/18 -> Free Reset still available!

    Jobchanged at Job-lvl 50 after transcending of corse.
    Skillwise i went with the "Overbrand/Vanishing Point"-route
    Stats look something like that (Not at home right now to look up the exact stats):
    STR: 80+; AGI: 60; VIT: 70; INT: 21; DEX: 80; LUK: 1
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