Sold Selling account, sh19 almost ready for 20. 250k...

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Destiney Nichole Sherbert, 8/5/14.

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  1. Destiney Nichole Sherbert

    Destiney Nichole Sherbert
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    Selling account, sh19 almost ready for 20. 250k t3 reg/strat, 17m power. All rural buildings 18. High researches, speed ups like you'd imagine. 36k gold, tons of rss packs and items. Mainly food producing but produces decent rss. Hero lvl 48 65m/100m equipped with 2blue/3purp/1gold. Tons of materials and gems. Trains 5.5k troops in exactly 24hrs. Asking 600$ but considering offers.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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