Selling Account(s) with Pro-Build Maxed Out Mods.

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/12/14.

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  1. Games

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    I would like to sell my Master Rank 3 account and Mastery Rank 2 account. Yes, I know they're bad, but I used them primarily for trading, so listen up. My Rank 3 account's name is PrimeCatalyst and the Rank 2 account is name Devkrux.

    PrimeCatalyst: 85 Platinum. Rhino, Grakata, MK-1 Furis, and MK-1 Bo. Mods: 28. Rating: 6,594,122. All Gate Crash mods (unranked), Energy Siphon (unranked), Max Serration, Max and Rank 8 Heavy Caliber, Max Vital Sense, Max Sundering Strike, Max Split Chamber, Max Jagged Edge, Max Heavy Trauma, Max Smite Corpus, Max Smite Infested, Max Smite Grineer, Max Fury, Max Bane of Corpus, Max Bane of Infested, Max Bane of Grineer, Max Sawtooth Clip, Max Rupture, Max Pressure Point, Max Point Strike, Max Piercing Hit, Max Spoiled Strike, Max Rending Strike, and Max Reach.

    I also have an unbuilt Mag Prime Set.

    Think of all these Mods as the "Perfect" starting pro-build Mods. These Mods can sell for a lot. An experienced player can make tons of profit from this. (I made a profit of 790 Platinum in 1 week.)

    Devkrux: 100 Plat. Mods: 10. Rating: 1.3 Million. Rank 9 Blind Rage, Rank 8 Narrow Minded, Max Energy Siphon, Max Overextended, Max Fleeting Expertise, Max Constitution, Max Intensify, Max Stretch, Max Continuity, Max Streamline.

    Think of PrimeCatalyst as a Perfect weapon Mods account, while Devkrux is a Perfect Warframe Mods account. All those Mods are what you need to have the best pro-build.

    Reply in this thread with your Skype name and offer, and I will add you on Skype if your offer is reasonable. Thanks.

    P.S. Reason why I have all these Mods maxed is because I have OCD.

    I can trade the Mods with your current account if that's what you prefer.
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