hello guys im selling this amazing account rank 32 Luneth (6* Maxed),Yun *5, Tilith , Maxwell , Agrias x2, Chizuru x4 , Hope x3, Ling, WOL, Ludmille x3, Zidane x3 (One is 55% TM), Exdeath x2, Bartz x4, Ingus x3, CoD x3, Sazh x2, Mustadio x2, Charlotte, Seria, Lenna, Garnet x2, Amarant, Freya, Tellah x2, Hayate, Celes, Locke, Leo, Gilbert x2, Xiao x3, Firion, Vaan, Roselia, Golbez (Rank 32, linked to a dummy facebook) here are some screenshots of the account http://prntscr.com/e45s7t http://prntscr.com/e45sux if interested ill send you details and more screenshots via Pm I can Accept Paypal and Neteller