Selling  Android and iOS  Average Selling account PG12 lvl 131 name Ketti-bri

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kettie-brie, 12/19/17.

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  1. Kettie-brie

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    Selling accouunt in Force Collection. Playing for 2 years, now its time to move on. LS, Rebell. I am girl from RU, so not perfect in Eng. Sorry for that.
    Credits - >45 millions
    280 EP, 530 BP.
    >1000 Remotes (+near 6000 in withdraw if sell all 4* and 3* support cards)
    More than 5.000 different cards in withdraw. Anough for building any 3* or 4* gold awakened cards (besides new Ackbar and Datoo). All 5* support cards from events (bases).

    Cards (almost all evos are gold. Where its wrong - i wrote green): (P=Personal)
    Ani TCO max (P)
    Ani RoD max (P)
    Aurra Sing (Wattos) awakened (P)
    Obi-Wan Pad (Wattos) awakened (P)
    Obi-Wan JM awakened (P)
    x2 Jar-Jar evo max (Wattos)
    Queen evo max (green) sk 40 (P)
    Padme FT awakened
    Yoda Saber awakened (P)
    Yoda DoE awakened sk 50 (P)
    C-3PO Golden God evo max (green) sk 40 (P)
    R2-D2 awakened (Wattos) (P)
    Kit Fisto evo max sk 40
    Shaak Ti evo max (green)
    CC Appo evo max sk 40 (P)
    Mon Mothma awakened sk 50
    Old Luke (Wattos) awakened (P)
    Luke HtE sk 40 evo max (P)
    Luke JK evo max (P)
    Leia Sniper awakened sk 50 (P)
    Lando (Wattos) awakened sk 50
    Wicket awakened sk 50
    Ackbar (EVA boost) awakened sk 50
    Ashoka WP evo 1 (P)
    Kanan (P)
    Ezra evo 1 (P)
    Sabine Wren S5 evo max (green, one more for making her gold) (P)
    Hera evo max sk 40
    Maz Kanata awakened sk 50
    Old Rey evo max sk 40 (P) (+x4 Old Rey in Withdraw)
    Finn evo max (green) sk 40 (P)
    Erso awakened sk 50
    Rebel Alliance evo max (P)
    Death Star Destruction evo max
    Emergence of Evil evo max
    Battle for Hope evo 1 (P)
    Ceremony on Yavin 4 evo max (P)
    All other 5* support at least in 1 copy in withdraw.
    support and valueble not-5* cards:

    Chopper awakened sk 50
    Han Solo DD awakened
    Han Solo BoB awakened sk 50 (P)
    Cin Drallig awakened sk 50
    R2-D2 (All Def Down) awakened sk 50
    C-3PO (All ATK Down) awakened sk 50 (P)
    Poe Dameron awakened sk 50 (P)
    Jan Dodonna awakened sk 50 (P)
    3* Leya (Light Atk Up) awakened sk 50
    new 4* Ackbar evo max sk 40 (P)
    Oriimarko evo max sk 40
    Luke (X-Wing) awakened sk 44 (P)
    Bail evo max sk 40
    Shaak Ti evo max sk 40
    CC Gree (Light) evo max sk 40 (P)
    All 4* pilots and co-pilots also included (x3 4* awakened Rey for Falcon, Bistan awakened, TIE pilot awakened, FO TIE pilot awakened, Umbaran awakened, Jango awakened, Ten Numb awakened, Garven Dreis Awakened, Arvel awakened, ect)
    Aslo tonns other 5* personal cards from diamond personal tix.

    Attack Formation: Ghost, with x3 red missles, Hera evo max, Sabine S5 evo max (green) and Ezra evo 1 boosted by
    Golden God
    and Erso (with dodonna and R2D2 as skill cards)

    THx all for watching. Email for contacting:
    [email protected]
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