Selling Selling Account, Need Quote - Give offers or opinion on what you think this is worth.

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zTashii, 3/14/17.

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  1. zTashii

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    Will Give middleman link later on when i do decide to sell this, I would just like a "Quote" or an opinion on who much this is.

    Can provide pictures as proof

    lvl 281
    12,786,141 Gold (as of creating this list)
    4 gems
    5 Silver coins

    12 x Training fields. 1 of which is upgraded to the max.
    3 x Armorsmith. All maxed
    1x Pet sanctuary

    All locations completed to Epic.

    Arena has 219 energy.

    No Guild.

    Armor List: Non maxed first, maxed after.

    Silvanus Stonemail - Earth/Earth: Max level, 9/10 ascension level

    1x Scoriatic Drakeplate - Fire/Spirit : lvl 83
    1x Ancient Frondmail+ - Earth: lvl 18
    1x Avian Aegis - Air: lvl 42
    1x Nectoric Shieldgear - Earth/Spirit: lvl 1
    1x Garv of the Undine - Water: lvl 1

    1x Primal Alphamail++ - Earth/Earth: lvl 105
    1x Molten Robes+ - Fire/Fire: lvl 105
    1x Spectral Vanguard - Starmetal: lvl 105
    1x Molten Robes - Fire/Fire: lvl 105
    1x Florid Array - Fire/Earth: lvl 105


    1x Explorer's Piecemail - Fire/Earth: lvl 11
    1x Summoner's Garb+ - Fire/Spirit: lvl 1
    1x Vargar Raiment+ - Fire/Water: lvl 1
    1x All-Seeing Aegis - Fire/Water: lvl 1
    1x Undead Robes+ - Spirit/Earth: lvl 1
    1x Sandstorm Platemail - Earth/Air: lvl 1
    1x Scarab Carapace - Earth/Air: lvl 1
    1x Cinderspike Regalia - Fire/Earth: lvl 1
    1x Galeforce Wargear - Air: lvl 1
    1x Gold Chramtic Mantle - Starmetal: lvl 1
    1x Silver Chromatic Mantle - Starmetal: lvl 1
    2x Bronze Chromatic Mantle - Starmetal: lvl 1

    2x Ancestor's regalia+ - Fire/Spirit: lvl 99
    3x Gunslinger's Trappings+ - Air/Water: lvl 99
    1x Clockwork Metalguard+ - Fire: lvl 99
    1x Vargar Raiment+ - Fire/Water: lvl 99
    1x Royal Battlegear+ - Fire/Spirit: lvl 99
    1x EarthWarden's Shroud+ - Spirit/Earth: lvl 99
    1x Raptor Embrace - Air/Earth: lvl 99
    1x Minos Wargear - Earth/Spirit: lvl 99

    6 Legendary Armors
    21 Ultra Rare Armors
    19 Super Rare Armors

    Fusion Boost Armor:

    1x 3 star Fire
    1x 3 star Spirit
    2x 2 star Water
    19x 2 star Fire
    12x 2 star Spirit

    Rings: Total 287:


    Legendary - 1x Spectral Starburst: Lvl 70 - Maxed - 164 Atk/164 Def/46 Hp

    Legendary - 3x Spectral Starburst: lvl 1 - 95 Atk/95 Def/27 Hp

    Epic - 1x Robust Tide of Rage: lvl 99 - Maxed - 598 Atk/179 Def/24 Hp

    Legendary - 1x Wicked Crossbar of Shelter: lvl 70 - Maxed - 343 Atk/249 Def/14
    Legendary - 1x Templar's Crown: lvl 70 - Maxed - 357 Atk/80 Def/23 Hp

    Epic - 1x Violent Tide of Saftey: lvl 50 - 476 Atk/73 Def/19 Hp

    Legendary - 1x Vaporous Coil: lvl 1 - 202 Atk/49 Def/14 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Arcane Seance: lvl 1 - 195 Atk/49 Def/14 Hp


    Epic - 1x Bulwark Streamer of Rest: lvl 1 - 363 Def/18 Hp

    Legendary - 1x Soulburner Hook: lvl 1 - 52 Deg/78 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Shining Opal of Endurance: lvl 1 - 105 Def/34 Hp


    Epic - 1x Solid Streamer of Rage: lvl 99 - Maxed - 514 Atk/366 Def/24 Hp

    Legendary - 1x Wicked Crossbar of Safety: lvl 70 - Maxed - 382 Atk/83 Def/23 Hp

    Epic - 1x Rabig Kigoi of Majesty: lvl 1 - 149 Atk/99 Hp
    Epic - 1x Fearless Twist of Rest: lvl 1 - 419 Atk/11 Hp
    Epic - 1x Violent Tide of Endurace: lvl 60 - 397 Atk/164 Def/42 Hp

    Legendary - 1x Geode of Rage: lvl 1 - 353 Atk
    Legendary - 1x Fortune's Bells: lvl 1 - 273 Def/16 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Cupid's Love: lvl 1 - 252 Def/15 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Earthworn Sprout: lvl 1 - 224 Def/11 Hp


    Legendary - 1x Robust Fissure of Power: lvl 70 - Maxed - 350 Atk/192 Def/11

    legendary - 1x Abyssal Core: lvl 1 - 301 Atk/17 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Sarpedon's Wing: lvl 1 - 301 Atk/17 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Sanguine Curl: lvl 1 - 294 Atk/17 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Tideplume Vambrance: lvl 1 - 245 Atk/14 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Frostbitten Claw: lvl 67 - 432 Atk/22 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Violent Opal: lvl 1 - 276 Atk

    Epic - 1x Sturdy Tide of Blood: lvl 99 - Maxed - 724 Atk/91 Def/11

    Fusion Boost Rings:
    7x 2 star Air

    Amulets: Total 414:


    Legendary - 1x Spectral Waves: lvl 70 - 164 Atk/164 Def/46 Hp

    Legendary - 2x Spectral Waves: lvl 1 - 95 Atk/95 Def/27 Hp


    Epic - 1x Robust Wyrmward of Rage: lvl 99 - Maxed - 546 Atk/207 Def

    Epic - 1x Defiant Bitting of Skill: lvl 56 - 160 Atk/480 Def

    Epic - 1x Fierce Chagoi of Protection: lvl 1 - 91 Atk/409 Def
    Epic - 1x Luminous Shell of Protection: lvl 1 - 409 Def/14 Hp

    Legendary - 1x Fortune's Cat: lvl 1 - 217 Atk/56 Def/16 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Soulburner Pennon: lvl 1 - 217 Atk/52 Def/16 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Hunting Spire of Safety: lvl 1 - 167 Atk/63 Def/15 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Mastadon's Tusk: lvl 1 - 224 Atk/13 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Soulbound Arrowhead: lvl 28 - 238 Atk/48 Def/18 Hp


    Epic - 1x Fearless Bitting of Safety: lvl 54 - 563 Atk/68 Def
    Epic - 1x Violent Bitting of Endurance: lvl 79 - 573 Atk/159 Def

    Legendary - 1x Sarpedon's Crest: lvl 1 - 59 Atk/86 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Scoriatic Crust: lvl 1 - 59 Atk/85 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Carnivorous Chain: lvl 1 - 52 Atk/73 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Undead Skull: lvl 1 - 49 Atk/69 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Frostbitten Print: lvl 1 - 45 Atk/67 Hp


    Legendary - 1x Violent Reflector of Endurance: lvl 70 - Maxed - 459 Atk/164 Def

    Legendary - 1x Arcane Moon: lvl 1 - 245 Def/14 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Heroic Stipule: lvl 1 - 217 Atk/12 Hp


    Shadowforged - 1x Imperial Eternal Talisman: lvl 1 - 266 Atk/38 Def

    Epic - 1x Robust Shell of Rage: lvl 61 - 502 Atk/151 Def/20 Hp

    Legendary - 1x Defiant Censer: lvl 1 - 325 Def
    Legendary - 1x Cupid's Bow: lvl 1 - 252 Def/15 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Astral Ribbons: lvl 1 - 224 Atk/13 Hp


    Legendary - 1x Robust Heirloom of Rage: lvl 70 - Maxed - 427 Atk/185 Def

    Legendary - 1x Abyssal Visage: lvl 1 - 59 Atk/86 Hp
    Legendary - 1x Fierce Spire of Iron: lvl 1 - 123 Atk/160 Def


    I have loads of pets, the best are:


    Legendary - 3x Singewyrm Tier 1: lvl 1

    Ultra Rare - 1x Flarescale Tier 4: lvl 70 - 1300 Atk/ +470 Atk/+470 Def


    Legendary - 1x Duskhare Tier 1: lvl 1


    Legendary - 1x Battlehorn Tier 2: lvl 44

    Ultra Rare - 1x Startail Tier 3: lvl 35
    Ultra Rare - 2x Startail Tier 3: lvl 1


    Ultra Rare - 1x Skyplume Tier 4: lvl 46
    Ultra Rare - 2x Skyplume Tier 4: lvl 1
    Ultra Rare - 3x Skyfeather Tier: lvl 1


    Legendary - 1x Rainscale Tier 1: lvl 1

    Hunting Grounds:

    Upgraded to the "inviting Bait 2"

    8x Assorted Beans
    37x Mixed Berry
    407x Blended Seed
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  2. Chronos295

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    At most this account is worth $25-30 i did notice it had over 200 arena energy but realiaticly all the armors are outdated silvanus + is outdated to hell. Most people look for good sfs and maxed castle if u dont have them your account wont sell for much and going to be hard finding a buyer nobody wants a bad account
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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