Selling     Selling Account Named "Ninja" season 2 account tons of skins

Discussion in 'Fortnite OG Usernames for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by MissPvP, 12/31/19.

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  1. MissPvP

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    Hello I am selling my season 2 account with the username "Ninja" account has Galaxy skin and some other cool rare skins as well as a bunch of loot in STW has inventory and storage full of stacks of resources.

    I am currently taking offers on the account I've received many high value offers for the account and will respond to all offers please dm me here or post an offer below. Thank you.

    Images aren't uploading so I'll share an imgur link to all the screenshots willing to take more when I get on PC or even screenshare and can play a match with you if you want to prove.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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