Selling account lvl 100, 650m might

Discussion in 'The Hobbit: Middle Earth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/1/14.

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    Im selling my account which currently has 650m might with another 200-400m approx in boxes each city is full with at least lvl 10 buildings. over 60 hbc and lots of speeds in inventory so you can destroy and rebuild to your liking. currently 2 x 240 heroes 10 x 220 heroes 7 x 220 renown 22 x 215 heroes 1 x 240 glory 1 x 240 renown 3 x 235 glory 26 x 235 renown 26 x 230 glory 42 x 230 renown 7 x 225 glory 15 x 225 renown 5 x 215 glory 31 x 215 renown 66 x twg 271 x twa 778 x tww 132% attack buff 131% def buff 5% attack city buff 7% def city buff A great account with lots and lots of items which could be used to improve. If you would like any more details or would like make an offer then please email me at ashbramble84@gmail
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