Hello People, Im Selling an Account on Hatzring or trading for Aion Gold/items. My Account Contains: lvl 100 Titan(WarMaster) All Skills Maxed + 1-2K Sp used on Special Skills. Items: 46m and Random Junk lvl 86 Phoenix Knight(Royal Knigh) All Skills Maxed + 3.3k SP and 7k SP used on Special Skill(That SP can be Recovered By Using a Special Skills Reset Card) Items : 500M - (50) exp Boosters - lvl 37 Mounted Horse - Platinum Adrenaline (187) - Item Drop booster (221) - Hp Steal Potion (7) - MP steal Potion (18). Gear : Lvl 70-72+10 helm/gloves/boots/shirt - lvl 85+15 g5 Dual Swords - lvl 86 b6 Eva+13 Anti-Stun Shirt + lvl 76 b6 Eva+12 Anti-stun Pants + (3) Tears of Knight. lvl 17 Rouge 13k sp = Specially Made for Guild Creaton up to lvl 10. Lvl 89 Phoenix Rouge(Assasin) All Skills Maxed - NO SP LEFT - Random lvl 86 Nooby Gear + lvl 85+10 g5 Daggerz. That's all For Characters. StoreKeeper Bianca : loads of useful Junk/accessory's - 150 Exp boosters - Random Armor. As you can see this account is pretty awesome and it wont be cheap. As i said i am Selling it or Trading for Aion Gold/items if you want to buy it i would like to use paypal. add me on yahoo messenger/msn =