WHAT AM I LISTING IS ALL PERM so i am Selling account with Dragon Knight 2k Kills . Last judgement . Twin ghost. Golden deagle. Grenade Blood. Broadset. Abyss cz75 . Abyss Gatling . Eclipse HE Eclipse deagle Eclipse thorns . Deagle dragon. m4a1 snow camo. ak47 blue dragon . special deagle. crimson lazer sword . plunders axe. Dawn set . M1887 Shotgun dawn. 3 eyed tryrant shotgun. barret honor . stormer. viper . MP5 windwalker . m96 shadow thorn sniper . frost .nepal honor . honor deagle . honor ak47. m3 furry . ceto of mark. em raid. darkblade . black blunderbless. p90 s. duck HE. Knuckle . m249 silver . xmas antler . and some other free guns lol.