Selling Selling ACCOUNT for sale w/annorax, kelvin connie, intel dread+more!

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by stiingrays, 10/22/16.

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  1. stiingrays

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    Legacy of Romulus Legacy Pack (still sells for $150)
    Delta Operations Pack (still sells for $150)

    Temporal Escort (m6 console)
    300 lobi

    Lvl 60 Tactical

    Lvl 15 beams RnD

    Lockbox ships
    Intel Dread (Vengeance)
    Kelvin Constitution (JJprise)
    Jem'Hadar Dread Carrier T5-U
    Tal Shiar Destroyer

    Iconian ship set
    elite scorpion fighters
    disruptor pen weapons need work

    Rare consoles, many more owned via rep
    Plasmonic Leech
    Bioneural infusion circuits
    Tachyokinetic converter

    3 Temporal
    5 Omega
    5 Nukara
    5 Romulus
    2 Dyson
    3 Undine
    4 Delta
    5 Iconian
    5 Terran

    Lvl 57 Science Romulan
    ANNORAX w/ science specific lockbox traits
    plasmonic leech
    Tier 5 rep- terran, iconian, omega
    Tier 4 rep - nukara

    Asking for $250 via paypal gift
    message me if you have any questions
    skype: volorion
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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