Selling account for cheap 5 epics and more

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    I dont want to play KnD anymore, cause I'm getting tired of it.

    I have:

    -100+ level

    -Aegis of Sky Magesty lv.99

    -Arborsteel Vangaurd lv.99

    -Arborsteel Vangaurd lv.33

    -Blazeborn Vangaurd lv.99

    -Malestrom Irons lv.99

    -Green Kaliedescope lv.1

    -various 4*'s

    -32 fusion boost armors

    -18 million gold

    -1,120 gems

    I have been, and will continue, to keep up on the epic boss challenges until I can sell the account. I know various way for both sides of the transaction to be safe and secure.

    If you are interested and/or have any questions/concerns, my Line id is ""

    Forgot to mention, it is an ANDROID account

    How much money? I am very interested. 100$?

    i dont know how to make the little sold icon appear, but

    !!!!!!!!!THIS ACCOUNT HAS BEEN SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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