Sold Selling Account (cheap) LOA2 Rank 3 in server! 1st Guild leader!

Discussion in 'League of Angels Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by wolfork, 9/29/16.

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  1. wolfork

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    Server 771
    Lv 66
    Br 5.4m
    Top 100 X-server
    (arena 3rd) (br 3rd) (lvl 2nd)
    If you give more money to this game you can be first !
    Guild 1st in server ( Guild leader ) (all players in top 10 in my guild)
    All r6 heroes --- almost all heroes augment +9

    I have golden lion

    If you want more information, text me

    I have 2500 diamonds !! (I didn't bought gold mounthly card) (You can but it)


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