Selling account Blackgate server (including serial key from dvdbox and account email) warrior lvl80 guardian lvl80 (lvl500 armorsmith, commander tag) thief lvl80 (lvl400 leatherworker) elementalist lvl80 ranger lvl80 (lvl500 huntsman lvl400 jeweler) mesmer lvl80 (lvl 500 weaponsmith lvl420 tailor) necromancer lvl80 (lvl 500 artificer lvl400 chef) notable equips: bolt the minstrel meteorlogicus the dreamer mjolnir immobulus Full Tateos armor set (ascended cleric heavy armor) and ascended cleric trinkets. Full Gobrech armor set (ascended valkyrie heavy armor) and ascended valk trinkets. mystic forge conduit unlimited mining pick, logging axe, harvesting tool 500 USD PM ME https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd....75_10202364935982841_137645791172563308_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd....213_10202364933462778_10076624967426018_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd....0_10202364935462828_3859467250889531651_o.jpg