Sold Selling account 88m++

Discussion in 'Last Fortress Underground Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/CryptographerHot9886, 7/2/24.

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  1. /u/CryptographerHot9886

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    -Pretty good lineups, nice gear. -After dim first lineup will be all red -Pretty much made for fighting -Server 204 right now but will be moving back to 181 with one of the strongest game families (fx1) -All the gear you need, lots of statues. -3/4 cars maxed out including demon -Most of the important research is done, just need 600 soldiers each lineup 1k obo pm me or ask for discord

    # #/CryptographerHot9886
    . .
    #1 /u/CryptographerHot9886, 7/2/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 9/7/24
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