Sold Selling Acc whale evil t3 Commanders/ 60xUnopened t2gift boxes / 400

Discussion in 'Lord of the Rings Rise to War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Meda86, 5/11/23.

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  1. Meda86

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    Selling Acc whale evil t3 Commanders/ 60xUnopened t2gift boxes / 400$

    Account will still be played until sold, adding more resources on the go.

    Notable items (Strengthen/Refine level):

    5/3* Palantir with Pursuit (need 1 more Palantir for 5/4*)

    2/2* refined Aegis Casque (need 1 more Casque for 3/3*)

    4/0* Gigantic Hammer

    3/1* Ranger's Shroud

    3/2* Grima Unique Weapon

    5/5* Wizard's Fireworks with Pursuit and many more 5/5* Epic items (check screenshots)

    Commanders I recommend using and their Respect levels:

    Sunind - Respect 7.
    Witch King - Respect 6 (2300/4800).
    Sauron - Respect 6 (3500/4800).
    Gothmog - Respect 7 (Plenty of respect items available to increase his or any other T2 Commander respect).
    Grima - Respect 17 (Unique Weapon unlocked).

    Other Tier 3 Commanders: Kirun and Saruman

    My account is currently in fifth season which started 1 week ago (Rebuilding Glory). 2 rings won and 1 Renowned Creator title. Right now I'm top 20 in production in a super active server. IRSS warband

    There are 86 Exquisite unused commander gift boxes, 4000+ Gems, Season Pass and 3rd construction queue. If you dismantle all the Exquisite gift packs you end up with a 2400+ Mathom Vouchers which you can use to buy Gold items or increase Commander Respect.

    Account will still be played until sold, adding more resources on the go.

    am the original account owner and can provide all purchase receipts. Willing to go through the guardian of the trade if the buyer pays the fee. Send me a message on my

    for offers or more information

    DISCORD: Meda#8680
    #1 Meda86, 5/11/23
    Last edited: 5/12/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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