Sold Selling Acc Seven Knights GG Arena 4600++ ASIA

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zigasuki, 10/26/16.

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  1. Zigasuki

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    For sale this account 3 login and i'll give you all the data.
    Cek ign : Schraeder level 62
    7k Heroes :
    40 Jave GF + COSTUME
    40 Rudy GF + COSTUME
    34 Eileen GF + COSTUME
    32 Dellons GF
    30 Rachel GF
    *4 Spike
    4Lourds Heroes and ex-Lords :
    40 Sun Wukong GF + COSTUME
    40 Ace GF + COSTUME
    36 Lubu GF + COSTUME
    32 Teo GF
    30 Karma GF
    Common Heroes :
    40 Giparang GF
    40 Yu Shin GF + COSTUME
    40 Lee Jung SF
    40 Daisy SF
    40 Lina GF + COSTUME
    40 Black Rose GF + COSTUME
    40 Ming-Ming GF + COSTUME
    40 Sieg GF + COSTUME
    40 Shane GF + COSTUME
    40 Nia GF + COSTUME
    40 Espada GF + COSTUME
    40 Ruri GF + COSTUME
    40 May GF + COSTUME
    40 Karin GF + COSTUME
    40 Velika GF + COSTUME
    40 Karon GF
    40 Jupy GF + COSTUME
    38 Bai Jao GF
    36 Victoria
    36 Bi Dam
    34 Evan SF + COSTUME
    34 Lucy
    34 Alice SF
    32 Zhuge Liang
    32 Feng Yan
    32 Knox
    32 Guan Yu
    32 Ariel
    32 Yui
    32 Lania
    30 Asura GF
    1 pc Fina
    and many more, check my nickname / Ign

    All Formation MAX - Balance Formation
    Mastery Max
    CT MAX
    Arena 4600++
    Item, Acc, Jewel Good, can set again and max it to Arena 4800-4900 it can.
    Chloe Rank A 30%

    For Sale 200$ or give your offers - PM
    Contact Line : vincentpranoto13
    or email at : [email protected]

    Indonesian - Other Country use Paypal
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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