Sold Selling acc 10x 65's, 130€...

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by @Cruzz#SWTORaccForSale, 2/24/17.

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  1. @Cruzz#SWTORaccForSale

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    Yo, selling my account on The Red Eclipse/Harbinger/SL.
    Includes : Main 65 Sage(DPS/Heal gear) - TRE
    Main 65 Guardian(DPS) - TRE
    65 Sorc(DPS) - TRE
    65 Slinger(DPS) - TRE
    65 PT(DPS) - TRE
    65 Jugg(Tank) - TRE
    65 Vanguard(Tank) - TRE
    65 Sent(DPS) - TRE
    65 Operative(Heal) - TRE
    55 Shadow(DPS) - TRE
    49 Commando(Heal) - TRE
    65 Jugg (DPS) - The Harbinger
    19 Sentinel (DPS) - The Harbinger
    17 Marauder (DPS) - The Harbinger
    8 Guardian (DPS) - The Harbinger
    4 Sage (DPS) - The Harbinger
    1 Assassin (DPS) - The Harbinger
    12 Sentinel (DPS) - Shadowlands

    All toons are female btw. :D

    Account has over 10. Mil creds over all the toons, tons of crafting mats...
    HK-51 unlocked, Master Ranos (DvL companion) unlocked, Shae Vizla unlocked as well. Max presence bonus.
    Legacy unlocks: Improved mounting, all the cooldown reduction on travelling skills, Rocket boost.
    Togruta, Mirilian, Twi'lek and Sith species unlocked.
    Legendary status.
    Has like 80% of Datacrons collected.
    Reputation: Legendary on The Gree Enclave and Contraband resale corporation. Hero on BBA and Rishi. Champion with Voss.
    Somewhat of rarer items : Reaver's armor set, Freedon Nadd's set, Thexan's robes, Sith recluse upper body armor in item stash, along with couple of other rare items.

    Price is 130 Euros, willing to lower the price, if trading will go quickly.
    I only accept paypal, you pay first obviously.
    Contact me on skype: umadslayer ,if you have any questions/wanna see pictures.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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