Selling Selling AAs For Plat

Discussion in 'Hex Shards of Fate Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by abxolute, 9/4/17.

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  1. abxolute

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    Selling AAs For platinum:

    Replicator gambit x2

    Crocosaure x1

    Jank bot x2

    balthasar x1

    soul marble x2

    scheme x2

    pocket army x1

    alchemite x1

    the kraken x1

    escape goat x2

    llama herder x1

    dauntless rootshaper x2

    nagaan lidary x2

    animus of nulzaan x2

    acolyte of shoku x2

    psionic flame x2

    rotten racor x2

    forbidden tomeseeker x2

    tribunal magistrate x2

    thunderfield elder x2

    duplicitous duke x2

    minion of yazukan x2

    arborean rootfather x2

    mesa caretaker x2

    pm offers thank you
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