Selling A Warframe Account with Plenty on it

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/12/14.

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  1. Games

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    The account I am selling is Currently Rank 9 , I might level it to 10 or get it close. Looking for 200$-250$ or close to it. I spent a lot more than that on the account but I am also willing to take offers.

    All Warframe and Weapons Listed have Orokin Catalyst/ Orokin Reactor(60 points)


    Volt rank 30(2 forma and storm volt helmet)

    Mag rank 30(2 forma)

    Mag Prime rank 30(3 forma)

    Frost rank 30 (4 forma Arcane Aurora helmet(has stats))

    Hydroid rank 30 (2 forma)

    Banshee rank 30 (2 forma, arcane chorus helmet(has stats), reverb banshee helmet)

    Nekros rank 30 ( 2 forma , raknis helmet)

    Nyx rank 30 (2 forma)

    Oberon rank 30 (2 forma,Markhor helmet)

    Trinity rank 30 (5 forma, Arcane Aura Helmet(stats))

    Primary Weapons

    Amprex rank 30(5 forma)

    Boltor rank 30(1 forma)

    Drakgoon rank 30(3 forma)

    Karak Rank 30 (1 forma)

    Penta(5 forma)

    Soma(2 forma)

    Synapse rank 30

    Secondary Weapon

    Akstiletto rank 30(1 forma)

    Angstrum rank 30 (1 forma)

    Nukor rank 30

    Stug Rank 30(1 forma)

    Melee Weapon

    Dual kamas rank 30(no catalyst)

    Nikana Rank 30 (1 forma)

    Obex rank 30

    Orthos prime rank 30

    Reaper prime rank 30

    Silva & Aegis Rank 30


    DeathCube Rank 30

    Carrier Rank 30 (1 forma and several attachments)

    Mods worth mentioning

    Maxed Serration

    Redirection 6 points(Sentinel)

    Heavy Caliber 2 from max

    Hornet Strike (3 from max)

    Over Extended Maxed

    Vigor Maxed

    BlunderBuss Maxed

    Ravage Maxed

    Split Chamber Max

    Cryo Rounds Max

    Incendiary Coat Max

    StormBringer Max

    Lethal # max

    Berserker Max

    Killing blow Max

    Jagged Edge Max

    Wildfire Max

    HammerShot Max

    Accelerated Blast Max

    High Voltage Max

    Malignant Force Max x2

    Thermite Rounds max

    Focus Energy max

    and several more mods

    200k credits and 83 plat

    Reply here if you are interested and ill pm you my skype
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