Selling Selling A Simple boosting service- Free mmr?

Discussion in 'DOTA 2 Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by freebies, 12/18/17.

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  1. freebies

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    MMR Price per 100 MMR
    0 - 4000
    10$ USD
    Not available yet

    As in the title, since it's just starting off and i have no reputation, every day one person may claim a free 75 mmr boost. Each day I'll write some text and in that text i'll put a random meaningless word, first person to notice that word and comment it in a reply can claim the 75 mmr, obviously claimable only in the 0-4k brackets. Anyone can claim this free +75, you don't have to order any boosting.

    I'll maybe add the 4k to 6k region in the future

    Payment: Paypal preferably, but can accept bitcoin or steam items.



    I'll start off with today's topic:

    Internet connection:

    Since everyone's talking about FCC repealing Net Neutrality in the USA i might as well talk about my shitty internet connection.
    Back when i was just starting to get better at dota i had this huge problem: my internet connection. My internet is way better now than it was before.
    Some things like bad or toxic teammates want to make you just punch your monitor off, but imagine having to grind with constant internet drops all the time, randomly lasting anywhere from 5 minutes up to a whole day. nothing i could do to get it back up as it's simply that my isp is shitty, but it's the best isp we got.
    I had 150-200 average ping even when it wasn't dropping, but not only that my computer was super shitty so that i had 30 fps at best, so combined with that teamfights were basically powerpoint presentations/slideshows.
    Due to this i had been triggered so hard that i had uninstalled dota at least 20 times now. I'd usually play modded minecraft to relax, and when i'm relaxed i'd go back to dota.
    The primary reason that im doing this boosting is that i want to buy a new CPU and some RAM so I can play minecraft again, since even my current computer which is getting old itself can't even load it.
    Not everything was that terrible, i remember one of my favorite matches i ever played in dota, today's word is fsadasdfff, i was snowballing around 30+ kills but then my internet suddenly drops for about 6 minutes, i manage to quickly load up back into the match where i saw that we were down by 2 racks and my teammates were already giving up, but i didn't let it go. I managed to comeback for my team, ending with around 50+ kills. I would not let myself be defeated by either my internet connection, nor those scrubs on the enemy team who don't deserve to win, even though i already recieved an abandon and -25, at least my team got +25.

    But after a while of struggling i did learn some strategies to make it not so painful:
    1. Don't pick fast paced or micro heroes, i mean this one is obvious, if you're playing core then pick something with high base damage so you can last hit easier. If you're playing support then take stuff that can do as much as possible without doing anything, like crystal maiden's with her mana aura or silencer with his global silence.
    2. if it's really that bad then don't play cores, try roaming or support, as they simply require more strategy and awareness rather than button mashing.
    3. pick shift queue heroes, even if your internet is slow dota will instantly shift queue a combo. So stuff like bara where you can charge and then queue ult, or sand king for example where you can channel your ultimate and then shift queue a blink>stun> invis and just sit there hoping for the best.

    Enigma and SK are probably your best options as they can jungle as well and contribute quite a lot with a properly executed ultimate.

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