Selling a lvl 80 acc in Avathar15 and lvl67 in Bombur60 same acc

Discussion in 'The Hobbit: Middle Earth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/1/14.

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    Ok ive been playing 2 worlds so i think is a good deal getting an acc in 2 worlds, Avathar15 and bombur60. I rank 26 in all time tk in Avathar15, its about 370m tks, here i dont have much might as i keep killing but i can build around 10m might per week. Rank 88 in tks in Bombur60 there i have 16m might and growing. My setup in server 15 where im lvl 80 is: City 1: 4 heros 215 and a 134. Keep lvl 9 muster field lvl 10 GreatHall lvl 10 forge lvl 10 armory lvl 10 embassy lvl 9 watch tower lvl 9 Sage tower lvl 9 4 homes lvl 10 the rest are barracks lvl 9. City 2: 1 hero 215. Keep lvl 9 muster field lvl 9 GreatHall lvl 10 forge lvl 9 stables lvl 10 watch tower lvl 9 4 homes lvl 10 the rest are barracks lvl 9. City 3: 1 hero 213. Keep lvl 10 muster field lvl 9 GreatHall lvl 10 forge lvl 10 watch tower lvl 9 8 homes lvl 9 the rest are barracks lvl 9. My Setup in Server 60 is pretty much the same but no many lvl 10 buildings and only own 1 hero 215 is city 1. Back in server 15 i Own 352 tokens atm wich you can use in premium chances kabam has been doing with great chance to get t4 troops, train with gandalfs and many hobbit building crew. 198 min hourglasses 59 15 min hourglasses 39 1h hourglasses 21 8h hourglasses many runes of combat, defense and protection, 4 furies and other items, 4 name changes so you dont have to keep my name there. Replay with an offer and the way you would pay if you are interested, im also growing an alt acc for defense porpuses, i has like a week but its growing, almost lvl 30. Thanks for the attention Kald
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