Selling A collector's dream bnet acc - tons of mounts, achis, sc 2 ce, d3 ce, 90 % hs

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gyzimaki, 12/25/16.

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  1. gyzimaki

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    I am hereby selling my own account that I've been developing for the past 8 years or so. My wife is about to give birth in a month from now, and I most probably won't have the spare time to play anymore, juggling between my daytime job and the upcoming daddy responsibilities.

    The account contents are, as follows:

    1. WoW - Vanilla Normal, TBC Collector's ( 2 super rare pets ), WotLK Normal, Cata Collector's ( pet ), Pandaria Collector's ( mount and pet ), WoD Normal, Legion Collector's ( mount and pet )
    2. Diablo 3 Collector's ( pet in WoW ), no Reaper of Souls expansion
    3. Starcraft 2 Collector's ( pet in WoW ), Heart of the Swarm Collector's ( another pet in WoW ), no Legacy of the Void expansion
    4. Hearthstone ( 5/9 golden heroes, every important legendary for all control decks, about 90 % of all cards collected till now )

    The WoW account has 1 main character ( lvl 110 ), 1 lvl 103, 1 lvl 102 and 3 lvl 100 alts.

    Level 110 undead assassination rogue ( my main ) -

    Level 103 blood elf demon hunter -

    For armories of the other characters, please PM me.

    The main scope of the account is collecting mounts, legendary items, achievements & reputations.

    Achievement points - 21210
    Feats of strength - about 70
    Reputations - All at Exalted except the Legion ones ( on my main char )
    Legendary items - Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, Warglaives of Azzinoth ( both ), Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury, Golad, Twilight of Aspects & Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages
    Titles - more than 75, including The Insane, Bloodsail Admiral and many more

    Mounts - 288 ( many TCG mounts, Big Blizzard Bear Blizzcon 2008, almost all of the Blizz Store mounts, and many more - check out the armory of my main character for a full list )
    Vanity items ( toys ) - about 200

    Price is 400 USD. I accept payments via Paypal ( gift only, for obvious reasons ), Skrill and Bitcoin.

    For any questions, simply send me a PM via the messaging system.

    Happy holidays everyone!
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