Selling Selling a 12.7k total level character Tarlach server

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/4/15.

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  1. Games

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    I'm looking to sell an account (via paypal) that I've had on mabinogi since Generation 1.

    The account itself contains:
    * 92 pets. 2 partners.
    * 23 characters (1 of which is still an unused character card).
    * Service until March 2015.
    * 2 characters with r1 blacksmithing/r1 tailoring

    All of the main characters skill info:

    Please note:
    * The account does not contain items, except for some personalized gear.
    ---The personalized gear is all fairly decent; the main character has a r5 Secret 67th lance. Basically if you want to play this account, the personalized items will be all you need anyway (in my opinion).

    If you are interested please send me a message or post on here, and I will get back to you with my skype info. I am looking to sell it because I need cash to fund a moving trip!

    Thanks for your interest!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also forgot to mention the main character on the account has fire wand ego (rank 2 reforge/2 line).

    45 Strength
    50 Int
    50 Dex
    44 Will
    49 Luck
    47 Social
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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