Dear all Users, I am currently selling a 96 runescape account it has 99 cooking 99 fishing and 99 firemaking. I have 0 blackmarks and i admit i have botted alot on this account to get these brillant stats. Well i think my runescape days are over so i am Swapping my Runescape account For a 60+ or 65+ Gunz account. This account only has 200k cash and the 3 Skillcapes. There are some screenshot under this writing. Stats Items If you have any questions or want to swap Please contact me on this email underneath Email : Msn:[email protected] I will not go first. Thank you ill buy it for a lvl 60 almost 61 acc with prems i have a lvl 62 gunz account with 12 sets of prems. Chimp dont buy from him he is a scammer he scammed me out of my lvl 60 dont do it. go to my thread.. D good offer and i am not scammer nub ... eccept if you are D ok i won't trade. plus if your the real Syn, you scam. =p enough said. He's a scammer. Originally Posted by error001 go to my thread.. D good offer and i am not scammer nub ... eccept if you are D i give you recovery question + bank pin + old password roflmao, 1337 !!