Selling Selling $90 For Any MMR to 4K / Extremely Cheap Prices / +55 Positive Feedback

Discussion in 'DOTA 2 Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by kipieepie, 10/28/17.

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  1. kipieepie

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    Hello Dota 2 folks!

    I'm a Professional Dota 2 player, mainly an 8000MMR player, I've been playing Dota since around 15 years and have full experience and thought that I could use my skills to boost players to a certain MMR of their choice ranging from 0 to 5000MMR.

    NOTE: I assure you that I use no third party tools, only legit skills and manual professional work, I will also be treating you like a friend or even a family member, I will give you pro tips, or even answer any question you ask about the game and make sure you're satisfied.

    Check out the image below for prices, and Skype username @ XDSDMC [​IMG]

    Check out my 55+ positive feedbacks that I've received by doing other services too!

    Low-Priority Removal $3 per win

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