Serious buyers only. I don't like the powercreep trend of FEH. I've been playing since day one and got lots of 5*s. Trio starter already built to 5*. I have built flier team, dragon team, cavalry team, infantry team, armored team. Notable 5*s include: - Reinhardt +5 +atk -def - Ryoma +2 neutral - Hector +def - Azura +1 - Axura +1 - Bride Cordelia - Brave Lyn - Brave Roy - Brave Ike - Shigure - All summer limited units - All currently available valor skill units Arena score average is 4886 for now. Will try to raise it to 4900 next season. Average arena assault is already 4900. Average feathers intake per arena season is 8400~9400. I have all GHB units including Xander and Camus. write in my mail for more information. [email protected]