Selling Selling 9.2m CP Dark Valkyrie account

Discussion in 'Kritika Chaos Unleashed Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by matilius, 7/5/17.

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  1. matilius

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    41k karats, VIP lvl 4.5
    Own lvl 50 guild with 50/54/52/53/42/42 towers and possibilities to expand towers
    Master lvl 3700+
    Sage +18 (glass cannon)
    Bapho +25 (glass cannon)
    Alice +25 (bulletproof)
    Walpurga +25 (glass cannon)
    Inque +25 (bulleproof)
    Maureen +20
    +13 Ethereal pets

    All chars except of Burst Breaker and Noblia have Max gold and full bags of ethereal items with lapiz up to 30k on some chars. Guild Points are 300-450k each so you can get extra lapiz if needed. Noblia and BB have half of what other have. All chests maxed, chests level max

    Main - Dark Valkyrie, 9.2m CP, 724k attack, 551k Crit, 110% Addl Damage. Sword is +34
    Berserker - 4,5m CP, 475k attack, ~400k crit
    Cat Acrobat - 4,6m CP, 465k attack, 403k crit
    Crimson Assassin - 4,4m CP, 467k attack, 407k crit
    Shadow Mage - 4,1m CP, 435k attack, 410k crit
    Demon Blade - 4,1m CP, 446k attack, 413k crit
    Eclair - 4,2m CP, 458k attack, 413k crit
    Burst Breaker - 3.4m CP, 380k attack, 355k crit
    Noblia - 2.8m CP, 343k attack, 322k crit

    Asking $400. PM me if interested
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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