Selling 8M Instagram. account 50% Ownership (You'll be co-owner).

Discussion in 'Instagram Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by SocialNetwork, 11/30/16.

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  1. SocialNetwork

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    Hi all,

    The Instagram. username will be provided by email or Kik.

    I am selling 50% ownership of my 8M Instagram. account, and you'll be the co-owner.

    Requirements - Need to be active on alternative days to me - Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. You'll have to post 3-6 photos on these days with your desired photo and caption.
    Have experience with Instagram. accounts.

    TOS -
    If you change the password for the account or the email you'll lose my trust and will be refunded when the account is back in possession.

    Contact me:
    Email - [email protected]
    Kik: WorldSocialNetwork
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