Selling Selling 88 evie + 89 arisha +15 neptunus, 85 lynn, 85 fiona $ 70

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by fiorelissleen, 8/4/17.

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  1. fiorelissleen

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    88 evie + 89 arisha +15 neptunus, 85 lynn, 85 fiona $ 80 content: LVL 89 Arisha:
    +15 Gallant value Neptunus (+2 Crit)
    +5 WB Heremon Soft Helm
    Runic method (+153 M.ATT)
    +5 WB Master Classic Black Pearl Mail + 10 WB Enthu Classic Black Pearl Greaves + 5 WB Classic Black Pearl Gloves
    +9 WB Heremon Soft Boots
    Ruby Passion Soft Belt
    Pack of healthy mana.
    1x Significant Passion Great Cat Statue
    1x significant succubus tusk
    * Armor has 2 unlocks left
    NX Card:
    Succubus queen game, high-level gangster game, convenient urban winter,
    Christmas Elf, Aurora Princess.
    3 hairstyles, some tattoos,
    Statistics: 346 Titles, Paladin lvl 21
    LVL 89 Evie:
    +15 Leopard's Punishment Divine
    +15 hateful divine punishment
    Book of Chaos of the Wise (Crit +2)
    Significant Ruby Belt
    Significant Beserker CMR (3 *) Limit.
    Weapon of 5x Regina without enchantment
    NX Card:
    Opulent Masquerade, Primitive Gothic Emotion, Special Demon Hunter, Forsythia Set, Princess Aurora .11 Inner Armor, 9 Hairstyles, 4 Makeups, 6 Facial / Body Tattoos.
    9x Potions of Courage Hard, Perpetual, 1x Hermetic Cadet Logo, Hermetic Logo 9x Rookie,
    2x Rune Enchant, 3x Rune Fusion Premium Armor, 25x Rune Fusion Armor, 17x Mega Server.
    Statistics: 422 Titles, Dark Knight 40
    LVL 85 Lynn: Not Geared,
    NX Card:
    Mandarin Lilac Set, Special Demon Hunter, Princess Aurora, Ring Set
    5x Unbind potion
    LVL 68 Vella: No Gears,
    NX Card:
    Official set of the peace, ensemble of the princess of Aurora.
    5x Inner Armor, 2 Makeup, 4 Hairstyles
    LVL 85 Fiona:
    NX Card:
    Forge Lady
    1 Makeup, 1 Interior
    LVL 45 Kai
    In Geared. Screenshot of pantralla email info: [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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