Sold Selling 85 Shinobi/ Bard (perfect for hardcore PvP players) 300USD (dealable)

Discussion in 'Aura Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AozoraJin, 10/15/16.

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  1. AozoraJin

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    Reason of selling: Going back to 幻想神域 (Japanese Server).

    ±Everything is on Phoenix server±

    Account Features:
    →Almost all status bonus giving achievs are already done.
    →Crap loads of Eidolon prayers finished (which includes the annoying archeo parts).
    →Tons of already fully enchanted costumes for all costume slots (both males and females).
    →More than enough mounts and pets (including rarities) to have troubles desciding what to use.
    →A whide collection of eidolons available to choose from.
    →16 already 3-starred and maxed out eidolons (some with star buffs rerolled for better convenience).
    →Each new char starts with arround 4K HP/DMG and got already capped/over-capped statuses at level 1.
    →Only 3 medals away from King rank (silver borders).
    →+15 (fully unlocked holy powers) stuff for your holy chest.
    →High level proffessions (lowest = cooking at level 6).
    →85 Shinobi, 81 Wizard and 78 Guard.

    The Shinobi have all 3x 85 trophies used in PvP at +20 forts, he also holds both 80 PvP sets fully starred and forted (+21), if you wnat no element on the chest, a fully starred 120% violent Nemesis chest is in the bank (this one is at +20). Also have tonics and lots of top quality foods. For a visual, please see the screenshots.

    The other chars are filled with items of all sorts (masteries, tools, mats, gears for leveling up new chars and more)

    I've surely spent a couple of thousands USD on this account but, I'm aware that I can't ask more than the value in time, therefor; I am looking for arround 300USD. This price is, of course, dealable. Contact me by e-mail (I don't have any social-crap accounts like failbook anyways).

    To contact me: [email protected]

    Did a 10v10 PvP vid not this long ago using the shinobi. You can vew it here

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