Selling Selling 840k+ prestige eu top dd(sup+tank)

Discussion in 'Skyforge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Erooo1, 9/28/16.

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  1. Erooo1

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    I wanna sell my top account.
    Its on EU Server.
    Really good DPS on EU Server.

    -Premium: 133 days left till ~ end of january

    -all classes maxed
    -all god specializations unlocked 5/6 maxed (GoW needs 2 week caps to max)
    -all symbols from Asencion Atlas unlocked

    -equiped for archer, necromancer(for D3), Alchemist and Knight
    -laboratory max, enough eidoses, 40k+ batteries
    -all avatars(4) killed and training version

    -Distortions: A1-D2
    -Main Weapon:19
    -Additional Weapon:17

    -Red: 19
    -Green: 17
    -Blue: 18

    -High Invasion Vector Ranks
    -I-II Booster for Mounts
    -alot Costumes+dif colours
    -16 Mounts in total(all permanent)
    -all Victors Medal just not "Pick up Loot" and " 3rd+4th Sets of Abilities"

    -20k Victors Medals
    -30k+ Argents

    -Order Rank 30
    -all DPS chapels
    -all adepts orange
    -7 legendary rings

    Spent alot €.
    PM me for Questions and any Offers.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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