80 WL: -+18 80 purp set (all vitality, stonned properly) -+15/+16 80 yellow set (random prefix, stonned properly) -+15 80 purple chest (mvm speed) -+18 80 GW shield -+15 65 yellow shield -+15 70 yellow sword -+15 65 yellow axe -+15 60 yellow sword -+15 80 yellow sword -+15 70 yellow hammer -+0 70 yellow bow -+5 60 yellow bow -+0 74 orange bow (triple) -+18 75 purple axe (basic, beginner, intermediate power rune stone) -+18 80 purple axe (advanced power, precision, blast) -+5 75 purple box (Seal, transform, cage) -+0 70 purple gun (beginner, intermediate, advanced attack rune stone) -+5 80 GW gun -Maxed masteries -Maxed ultimate crystals -All 4 types of str nucleus -All 4 types of vit nucleus -Scorpion CBM -Golden steed CBM -Violet Dragon CBM -4* yellow all stats mount -Costume set with str, mostly blue or green -Bunch of GM titles All yellows are stonned with +8% crit dmg stones. 40 Paladin: -+18 40 paladin legacy -+18 38 Orange Silence shield -+18 38 Orange Castle Defender -+18 40 2h orange axe (for the lels, the 25% double atk one) -+18 38 King of battlefield axe -39 orange relic -Atk speed + crit / atk speed + crit dmg Necklace of the dead accessories (+hp accessories). -Maxed ultimates for lv 40 -The mounts/alched mounts/nucleuses can be archived from WL -Easily hits 8k+ base def -Messenger of steel GM title -Enough fame to buy the low level jale defense pots All the above gear are fully stonned with +8% crit dmg stones. Looking for offers ^^ Please contact me through the playerup inbox or on my email: [email protected]