Sold Selling 8 Anton Raidable chars with epic set and rare avatas

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by darkban, 5/6/17.

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  1. darkban

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    I am selling my account

    Check the link and Please send me an offer with your discord name and price.
    I only accept paypal payment.

    *I have 2 Clone and 5 Rare avatas and I only sell it with rare avatas(don't ask this)
    *I have soul and Sader for Anton raid also
    *Most of 80~85 Epic frags are 100% and 90 are 30~35%. you can make epic set whatever you like.

    If you want to run anton raid to get many DIs and epic souls
    This is best account for you(every raid day i get 10~15 epic souls).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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