Sold Selling 7Knights Global Account 4300+ Arena

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HiHai, 11/7/16.

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  1. HiHai

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    Hey guys I'm currently selling my 7knights account cause I'm quitting mobile gaming due to university exams, etc.
    so I need it gone asap and willing to sell cheap.

    Ign: sXyHai
    Level 47
    Server: Global

    Current Heroes:

    Level 40's: (All double unlocked and equipped)
    Black rose

    Special Heroes (7k and 4L)
    38 Eileene (Awakened items and double unlocked
    38 Rudy (2 perfect speed raid weps + double counter)
    38 Wukong + 2 4* copies (awakened raid items perf spd)
    32 Teo (awakened raid items perfect speed)
    32 Rin (awakened raid weps perf speed)
    32 Dellons (no equips)
    30 Spike (silver border/1 unlock)
    30 Karma (double unlocked with 1 perf spd raid item)
    3 5* copies of Kris (34)

    36 Daisy
    34 Xiao
    34 Ming Ming
    34 Karon
    32 Lee Jung
    32 Yuri
    32 Velika
    30 Pascal (currently working on to get level 40 and equipped)
    30 Chancellor
    30 Evan

    you don't have to worry about finishing masteries as they're completed.
    This account can easily get to masters
    Team 1 raid team can currently do 1 mill for raids.
    Account currently had 313 topaz and 100 rubies but I'll be buying the mays box when it goes on sale again.

    Accepting Paypal (family and friend) or if you're Australian we can do bank to bank transfers (I'm with commonwealth)

    Looking for at least $200 usd or somewhere around that price.

    if you're interested please,

    Add me on line: HeyitsHai
    skype: superhaizor
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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