Sold Selling 7k AP account, two legendaries (Twilight + The Juggernaut), 4 level 80s + more

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ComplexHD, 3/2/17.

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  1. ComplexHD

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    Had this alt account for four years and decided I didn't need it anymore; selling for £60 (PayPal)


    -7566 Achievement Points
    -EU - Gandara

    -legendary hammer (The Juggernaut)
    -legendary greatsword (Twilight skin)

    -level 80 Norn Warrior (legendary hammer, full ascended berserker's trinkets, ascended longbow and exotic berserker's armour with Runes of Fire)
    -level 80 Charr Warrior (100% map completion, 500 Armorsmithing, 430 Weaponsmithing, full T3 Charr cultural armour)
    -level 80 Sylvari Necromancer
    -level 80 Asura Elementalist
    -level 80 Human Thief
    -level 49 Sylvari Guardian
    -level 11 Engineer
    *only the Norn Warrior is geared

    -range of titles
    -3 full sets of ascended accessories
    -now unavailable skins such as the static tempered spinal blades, Scarlet's Veil etc
    -plenty of gem store skins eg. Magitech armour, Phalanx armour, glowing crimson mask
    -plenty of gem store items eg. copper salvage-o-matic, 1 of each unlimited mining tool
    -plenty of boosters including birthday boosters
    -300+ Black Lion Salvage Kits

    -13 level 20 scrolls
    -177 Tomes of Knowledge (level ups)
    -enough for 3+ instant level 80 characters
    -50+ Transmutation Charges
    -countless other misc. items




    Respond if interested
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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