Sold Selling 72lvl 3 starr officer full PVP gear

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MegaMarik, 4/14/17.

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  1. MegaMarik

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    WTS EU Urtem asmo 80\80 GP 1161 days payment !!!!! Skype Mandrat26 Pm a GOOD PRICE !!!

    Assasin 3 star officer 72lvl 30% + bard 67 + templar 67 + aethertech 67 !!!!

    Full PVP gear

    Heroic Quets +15 \ arena (70lvl) +10\12

    Arena weapons +12\10 dagger \ sword 2 gs para

    Full Ruhn (70lvl) Jewel

    Necklase +7 x2 earings +7 x2 rings 70 lvl ap +5 belt +7
    Holly Lether Hat (arena 70lvl ) +7

    Commander wings +15

    Feather attac\crit +7

    stats wihtout buffs

    attack 1037
    accuraci 3477
    crit 1095

    magik resist 2230 !!! + buffs 3000 magik resist !!!!

    Full pve ruhn 70 lvl gear

    Have all for good game !!!!

    AP 4m+
    1200 Spinel Medals

    U can see my pretty girl on screen









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