Sold Selling 70 RDM (60 PLD/BRD) all crafts 70 fully melded, small house fully geared out

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ySo, 10/22/17.

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  1. ySo

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    I am the original owner. This is an EU account.

    The account has a Lv 70 Red Mage, ilvl 320, fully melded and ready for savage content. Paladin/Bard are level 60.

    I have several mog store items like the fat moogle mount for 2, bennu and sleipnir as well as some emotes. Also have fat chocobo mount, butler & maid attire.

    Also have ALL discipline of hand crafts at level 70, all FULLY melded to HQ any synth in the game from NQ mats. DOL I have not leveled much (miner, botanist, fisher).

    Stormblood access obviously, all current main missions done.

    ***Have a nice cottage in the lavender beds in a lovely location next to the waterfall and close to MB. Fully kitted out!

    About 7M gil on hand and 4M+ in sellables, loads of crafting items & gear across 3 retainers.

    All MSQ done to 4.0 so that leaves you with the 4.1 quests to do! Most dungeons unlocked but still some not done.


    $400 takes it.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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