This account has been around since launch of Blade & Soul NA in January 2016. I've included the main attractions in this post. Lot's of useable goods in bank and Received Items mailbox from months of premium+daily dash. Currently Rank 7 Premium, 2055 Achievement Pts. Here's the link to the BnSCoffee Profile: From the above profile, I've got a set of Hexagonal event gems and relatively upgraded gear. I've invested in tradeble materials at a current market price of about 5000 gold: Link to Imgur Gallery [] Ive got a bunch of cash/collector's costumes: Devotion Regium Corvus Summer Nights Summer Splash Laid Back Blue Porcelain Snowfield Glasses Regal Diplomat Night Luna etc. I've got 6 character slots with: [See Imgur Gallery] lv 46 Assassin 5x Merry Potters lv4 [Premium Kaolin Refiner crafting] Soulwarden lv4 Forgekeepers lv3+ Looking for offers on: [See Imgur Gallery] 1. Account + Gold/Items 2. Account w/o gold & tradeble items from image of inventory 3. Just Items/Gold Post below or contact via the following: Discord: Things#8924 Skype: [email protected]