Sold Selling 65: ranger, cleric, sw + 52 aethertech

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ekabu, 8/16/17.

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  1. Ekabu

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    1) 65 RANGER 36.000 Glory Points. 540.000 Abyss Points. 130+ Cera.
    Played more than three year. Expert Essencetapping 499/499. Expert Aethertapping 499/499. Master Cooking 537/549. All the main quests done. All dungeons completed. Good Reputation.
    There are MANY stuff in cube: ceramium medals, crests of fortress, tokens, marks, courage insignia, arena of Glory tickets and so on…
    Eager Sprigg pet (12-space bag)
    Woodkeeper Ailu pet(30-space bag)
    Royal Kitter pet (Cheer)
    Legion Horse.
    54-slot in house.
    Major Blessed Augment: Level 2 (x3)
    Major Blessed Condition: Level 2 (x1)
    Hyperion Wings
    Yume Empowered Faerie Feather
    The Eternal Bastion Bonus Entry Scroll (x15)
    Protectorate’s Treasure Crate Key (x14)
    Protectorate’s Treasure Box Key (x4)
    Kunax’s Shoulderguards
    300 million kinah

    +12 Legendary Noble Katalium Bow (x6 Crit Strike +17/Magical Accuracy +7)
    Combined Eclipse Flatbow (x6 Crit Strike +17/Magical Accuracy +7)
    + Godstone: Beritra’s Plot
    + Skin Wild Kitters Bow =(^_^)=

    PvP set: (Stylish Training Suit skin)
    +13 Eclipse Jerkin (x6 Crit Strike +17/HP +47)
    +10 Eclipse Breeches (x6 Crit Strike +17/HP +47)
    +10 Eclipse Shoulderguards (x6 Crit Strike +17/HP +47)
    +10 Eclipse Vambrace (x6 Attack +5/HP +47)
    +10 Eclipse Boots (x6 Attack +5/HP +47)

    Special Elite Ambassador’s Divine Leather Belt (Same as Officers but for 1 rank)
    Discordant Combat Earrings (x2)
    Discordant Combat Rings (x2)
    Discordant Combat Necklace
    Fearless Skirmisher’s Hat
    Trillirunerk’s Combat Necklace (PvE)

    PvE set №1:
    Bastion Defender Firm Jerkin (x2 Attack +5/MP +47) ( x4 Crit Strike +17/MP +47)
    Bastion Defender Firm Breeches (x6 Attack +5)
    Bastion Defender Firm Shoulderguards (x6 Attack +5)
    Bastion Defender Firm Vambrace (x6 Crit Strike +17)
    No boots.

    PvE set №2:
    Enraged Hyperion’s Ranger Jerkin (no manastones)
    Enraged Hyperion’s Ranger Breeches (no manastones)
    Enraged Hyperion’s Ranger Shoulderguards (no manastones)
    Enraged Hyperion’s Ranger Vambrace (no manastones)
    Enraged Hyperion’s Ranger Boots (no manastones)
    no Bow
    Incensed Hyperion’s Breeches (no manastones)
    + Incensed Hyperion’s Bow (x1)

    2) 65 SONGWEAVER. 4500 GP.
    Master Tailoring 509/549. Crafting ceramium medals. Also crafting godstones. Needed resources are in Warehouse. Some crests of fortress, some ancient relics in inventory. If u want full AP set - u can easy start collect it.
    Hyperion Wings
    Sharptooth Ripper
    Shu-ghost pet (cheer)
    Assured Greater Felicitous Socketing Eternal 61- 65 (x3)
    Fresh Oily Plucar Dragon Omelette – top food for mag (x400~)
    + 9 Legendary Noble Katalium Harp (x6 Magic Boost +27/Magical Accuracy +7)
    Combined Shepherd’s Lyra (x6 Magical Accuracy +14/Magic Boost +13)
    + Skin Wild Kitters Harp

    PvP set:
    Burlesque Bunny skin
    +5 Ambassador’s Divine Tunic (x6 Magic Boost +27/HP +47)
    +2 Ambassador’s Divine Pauldrons (x4 Magic Boost +28)
    Fierce Skirmisher’s Leggings (x4 Magic boost +25 x1 Magical accuracy +18)
    Fierce Skirmisher’s Shoes (x4 Magic boost +25 x1 Magical accuracy +18)
    Fierce Skirmisher’s Gloves (x4 Magic boost +25 x1 Magic boost +28)

    Incensed Hyperion’s Harp (x1)
    Enraged Hyperion’s Harp (x1)
    Enraged Hyperion’s Songweaver Leggings (no manastones)
    Incensed Hyperion’s Songweaver Gloves (no manastones)

    Discordant Magic Earrings (x2)
    Discordant Magic Rings (x2)
    Discordant Magic Belt
    Discordant Magic Necklace
    Antro’s Headband (Concentrations 109)

    3) 65 CLERIC Good reputation! All dungeons completed! Focused PvE.
    Katalam Crystal Necklace (x1)
    Katalam Crystal Earrings (x1)
    Katalam Crystal Ring (x1)
    Katalam Sash (x1)
    Discordant Magic Earrings (x1)
    Discordant Magic Ring (x1)
    Divine Coliseum Champion's Headband (Concentrations 109)
    Kunax Neklace

    +5 Enraged Hyperion's Mace (full HP 100+105)
    +1 Remodeled Danuar Scale Shield (full HP 100+105)
    +10 Incensed Hyperion’s Staff (x1 ancient manastone: magic boost +35)
    PvP set against physical classes:
    Blood Marks Full Set (Block 29/Block 33).
    PvE set:
    Remodeled Danuar full (HP 95/105)


    All characters have AMAZING OUTFIT! :eek: I am glad to sell them to the person who will receive the same aesthetic pleasure as I do. I can not play anymore, because now the game is not available in my country. :( If there is something interesting, I will answer your questions.
    All security questions, email after full payment. 100$ PayPal also is not available in my country :(
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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