Sold Selling 65 mil sp combat char with 3.6 bil in wallet

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by patrick hoyles, 3/31/17.

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  1. patrick hoyles

    patrick hoyles
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    Hi all! Great character that I've had a ton of fun with. Unfortunately eve takes quite a bit of time, and while I love it with my heart and soul, it's time to move on for now.

    So, this character flies a number of ships really well, most of your standard doctrine stuff. Also flies caldari carriers, has the dread skill injected, and serves as an excellent tengu pilot. Can fly faction battleships/golem very well for all your isk making needs. All fitting skills are 5, decent gunnery skills, great drone skills.

    Comes with 3.6 bil in hard cash, as well as a Deadspace equipped nightmare for runnin with the best incursion groups. Including the nightmare, junk, and other misc. ships lying around, probably a good 850 mil in assets.

    Eve board:

    eveboard - R4V3N3R

    price: 190$
    [email protected]
    #1 patrick hoyles, 3/31/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/24/18
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